You can use PayPal below to make your donation.

You can see our available Everyday Hero events where you can assist our entrants and supporters

We also have postage paid donations envelopes available to facilitate the process.

Please tell us if you prefer your donation to be anonymous.


You can also make a payment directly to our bank account  –

Australian Suicide Prevention Foundation

Westpac Bank

BSB 033 058

A/C 266 734


We are a tax-deductible recognised harm prevention charity:

Australian Suicide Prevention Foundation is a voluntary service which receives no government or other formal support, we are dependent on public donations. We also run Australia-wide free telephone services 1800HOLDON.


Things you could do to help us continue to offer our services:

  • Choose us as your charity of choice when you participate in any Everyday Hero supported event
  • Why not get together as a group and send us a donation?


You will receive a receipt. All donations to the Australian Suicide Prevention Foundation over $2.00 are tax deductible.

“You would never advise a friend to die; tell yourself what you’d tell a friend