Things to do now Beating suicidal thoughts can be done! They are distorted information taking over your thinking when you are feeling down If your suicidal ideas are strong, the following tips may help you. 1) Try to see the suicidal ideas as symptoms of an illness, not part of you. They are alien thoughts trying […]
Category Archives: Articles
If your friend tell you they have made a plan to harm themselves make sure that it is disabled and made safe. Go with them and get them to give you the pills/rope/bullets/car keys/knife and put them out of reach. Leaving a few tablets to go asleep may be reasonable.
Suicidal thoughts can be beaten! They are distorted information taking over your thinking when you are feeling down If your suicidal ideas are strong, the following tips may help you. 1) Try to see the suicidal ideas as symptoms of an illness, not part of you. They are alien thoughts trying to destroy you. Get […]
Helpful tips in managing your Depression Remember Depression is an illness, which affects your BODY, MIND, and SPIRIT {SOUL} If some of these little hints don`t suit you, please skip them and try and find some that do suit you. […]
Dealing with conflict Conflict is a major source of stress in the life of many people. It is important to be calmly confident if possible, when facing a conflict situation. It is also very useful to KEEP YOUR VOICE DOWN when in a conflict situation, thus automatically pressurising the other person to do the same. […]
IMPROVING YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR PARTNER A good relationship, in which you can talk to your partner about anything and everything is THE MOST IMPORTANT PROTECTION AGAINST DEVELOPING DEPRESSION at times of stress. On the other hand, difficulties in the relationship between two people is one of the most common causes of depression. The following […]
The vast majority of people who commit suicide have indeed talked to somebody about it beforehand. Also, it is generally agreed that being forced to promise you will not tell other people what you have been told in confidence does not apply when somebody’s life is in danger, so do talk to a professional […]
Read this if you are desperate Please read this if you are desperate. Painful conditions always pass, both mental and physical. Life always changes, and better times will come back inevitably. Do not decide to harm yourself for a problem that will pass. If you need help right now and want to speak to a […]
WHAT IS DEPRESSION OR DEPRESSIVE ILLNESS? We use the term “depression” in normal conversation to describe distress or unhappiness following an unpleasant event that has happened to us. This depression is a perfectly normal response of course, is usually short-lived, and usually resolves rapidly, without the need for any specific treatment. In contrast, depressive illness, […]
Are you planning to commit suicide? Are you so depressed that it seems the only way to end your suffering is to end your life by your own hands? Are you feeling lonely and alone with no one to turn to? If you answered “yes” to one of these questions, then you should take a […]